She’s the type to suffer in silence, to face adversity on her own. She’s a happy person, but always seems to have an air of sadness in her eyes. My mom reached out to me recently telling me she wanted to nominate my aunt Carmen for a feature. She wanted her to receive an unexpected dose of positivity so that Titi Carmen could remember that she is loved and appreciated.

I automatically thought of the coffee date my aunt and I have pending. I can’t wait to drive the two hundred and fifty miles just to keep that date!
Titi, Spanish for aunt, Carmen is always ready to accommodate guests and cook huge savory dinners for the family. She’s one of the best cooks I have ever known! She’s always been the life of the party. She can be funny, and she can be stern. I think that runs in the family! She never hesitates when it comes to entertaining, a shopping trip, a wine-infused cigar, or a strong cup of coffee!
She never turns her back on a friend. She lives without a care for what the world will think or say. She does not live with regret. She learns from her pain and pushes through.
I remember spending weekends and summers at her house. We had so much fun. We visited parks, beaches, had parties and danced. We took long day trips and sang. We played cards and watched Spanish soap operas religiously. We could not forget the ‘Sabado Gigante’ gameshow! I looked forward to every minute of it.
I distinctly recall one school break that my sister and I sang the theme song from Lambchop’s Sing-along for the entire summer! It went something like:
"This is the song that doesn't end; yes, it goes on and on my friend..!"
We drove her insane! I know she would have had it any other way.
She always knows just what to say to make me smile. She still holds me on her lap; that’s because I’m her favorite…shhhh! She’s like my second mother.

Titi Carmen is stronger than she gives herself credit for. She’s confident; she’s blunt and bold as can be. She’s a tough cookie! She has been though a lot and has seen it all. She has not let that deter her from living.
I also recall one time she hurt her hand and kept complaining of how much pain she was in. I took her hand and massaged it as she screamed the entire time. I laughed telling her that she would be okay once she was able to work through the pain. A few years ago, she said to me,
“Remember when you were a kid, what you said to me when I hurt my hand? Well, you were right!”
She went on to add she has applied that bit of advice to life. I felt so special after hearing that.
Titi Carmen has taught me not to let anyone dim your light. That it’s never too late to start over and reinvent yourself.
She is a great storyteller. The hours fly by, going unnoticed while she engages with you. You might cry, you might have endless laughs, but it’s certain you will have fun. Beware; she might pass her cigar for you to share.
I always say that when I grow up, I want to be just like my mom, but I say the same about my aunt because she is fearless! Titi Carmen to me, will forever be the red lipstick wearing, merengue-dancing, fun-loving, easy-going, and bubbly lady I grew up so close to.
Titi Carmen, I know my mom nominated you for this feature, but I had to share how I see you. Yes, my mom wanted you to feel special, but I had to share how much I love you! Thanks for all the fun adventures growing up! Let’s have that coffee soon!